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Modern Day Magic

Writer's picture: Jessica PeerJessica Peer

It's all just a bunch of Hocus Pocus! - Max, Hocus Pocus

When you first hear the word 'magic' what springs to mind? A wizard's hat, a witch's cauldron or maybe a spell book or two? In this modern day the word magic is thrown around like a baseball at spring training. You hear the term but what does it actually mean in our modern and busy lives?

Magic is the calming and serene emotional overhaul that occurs when you are watching the powerful waves of the ocean crash into the sandy shore. It's the full moon's light guiding your way in what should be pitch black night. It's the warming essence from that ground cinnamon you sprinkled on your morning porridge. Magic is the natural beauty in EVERYTHING that surrounds us. It connects our conscious thoughts to our emotions and subconscious desires. It allows our overactive minds which get lost in the minute details of our own lives, to see the bigger picture of life. It's the simple yet important things that we tend to overlook as we become boggled down with the business of nonstop worlds. Magic is simply our reminder to SLOW DOWN or even STOP.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you legitimately stopped and took a minute to yourself. When was the last time you treated yourself to something special? When was the last time you felt that tingling sensation which grew into an instant smile?

We can easily lose track of where we are and how quickly the day starts and finishes. It is up to us to see and experience the magic in everyday life. I guarantee you that it is there and you are surrounded by magic, you just need to recognise it. Easier said than done right?

Here's a little list to start those magical thoughts brewing.

• The rumbling sound of your morning coffee percolating your favourite roast

• The detoxifying sensation that comes after a Himalayan Salt Water bath - treat yourself and add a few rose petals to enhance that loving energy

• The feel of fresh grass under your feet in the spring or the sound of the snow crunching under your feet in the dead of winter

• The warmth your favourite blanket brings when it's wrapped around you

• The immediately feeling of assurance and esteem when wearing your favourite shade of lipstick and jewellery...and boots, my goodness I love a good pair of moto boots

• The quiet and calm before anyone else wakes or when everyone else is asleep - I'm a sucker for a good bedtime routine

• The loving embrace of someone special

Magic is the simple things we do to enhance our day to ensure an immediate smile creeps from ear to ear. There is a beauty in it's simplicity. It doesn't have to be a

carefully worded spell completed under a full moon or a tarot card spread revealing life lessons in front of you, although I must say I'm a sucker for a daily one card pull. Magic is about appreciating the gifts that surround us. It's about being grateful for the beauty that evolves in front of our eyes and connecting into your emotions to truly feel the essences of your being.

Magic is meant to be simple yet powerful. Lets put down those rose tinted glasses and truly see the magic and beauty that surrounds us.

XO - Jess

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